(devices-unix-block)= # Type: `unix-block` ```{youtube} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2e3LD5wLI8 :title: LXD Unix devices - YouTube ``` ```{note} The `unix-block` device type is supported for containers. It supports hotplugging. ``` Unix block devices make the specified block device appear as a device in the container (under `/dev`). You can read from the device and write to it. ## Device options `unix-block` devices have the following device options: % Include content from [../metadata.txt](../metadata.txt) ```{include} ../metadata.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` ## Configuration examples Add a `unix-block` device to a container by specifying its source and path: lxc config device add unix-block source= path= If you want to use the same path on the container as on the host, you can omit the `source` option: lxc config device add unix-block path= See {ref}`instances-configure-devices` for more information. (devices-unix-block-hotplugging)= ## Hotplugging Hotplugging is enabled if you set `required=false` and specify the `source` option for the device. In this case, the device is automatically passed into the container when it appears on the host, even after the container starts. If the device disappears from the host system, it is removed from the container as well.