How to install MicroCeph on a single node ========================================= This guide will show how to install MicroCeph on a single machine, thereby creating a single-node cluster. This installation will be achieved through the use of loop files placed on the root disk, which is a convenient way for setting up small test and development clusters. .. warning:: Using dedicated block devices will result in the best IOPS performance for connecting clients. Basing a Ceph cluster on a single disk also necessarily leads to a common failure domain for all OSDs. For these reasons, loop files should not be used in production environments. Install the software -------------------- Install the most recent stable release of MicroCeph: .. code-block:: none sudo snap install microceph Next, prevent the software from being auto-updated: .. code-block:: none sudo snap refresh --hold microceph .. caution:: Allowing the snap to be auto-updated can lead to unintended consequences. In enterprise environments especially, it is better to research the ramifications of software changes before those changes are implemented. Initialise the cluster ---------------------- Begin by initialising the cluster with the :command:`cluster bootstrap` command: .. code-block:: none sudo microceph cluster bootstrap Then look at the status of the cluster with the :command:`status` command: .. code-block:: none sudo microceph status It should look similar to the following: .. code-block:: none MicroCeph deployment summary: - node-mees ( Services: mds, mgr, mon Disks: 0 Here, the machine's hostname of 'node-mees' is given along with its IP address of ''. The MDS, MGR, and MON services are running but there is not yet any storage available. Add storage ----------- Three OSDs will be required to form a minimal Ceph cluster. In a production system, typically we would assign a physical block device to an OSD. However for this tutorial, we will make use of file backed OSDs for simplicity. Add the three file-backed OSDs to the cluster by using the :command:`disk add` command. In the example, three 4GiB files are being created: .. code-block:: none sudo microceph disk add loop,4G,3 .. note:: Although you can adjust the file size and file number to your needs, with a recommended minimum of 2GiB per OSD, there is no obvious benefit to running more than three OSDs via loop files. Be wary that an OSD, whether based on a physical device or a file, is resource intensive. Recheck status: .. code-block:: none sudo microceph status The output should now show three disks and the additional presence of the OSD service: .. code-block:: none MicroCeph deployment summary: - node-mees ( Services: mds, mgr, mon, osd Disks: 3 Manage the cluster ------------------ Your Ceph cluster is now deployed and can be managed by following the resources found in the :doc:`How-to <../how-to/index>` section. The cluster can also be managed using native Ceph tooling if snap-level commands are not yet available for a desired task: .. code-block:: none sudo ceph status The cluster built during this tutorial gives the following output: .. code-block:: none cluster: id: 4c2190cd-9a31-4949-a3e6-8d8f60408278 health: HEALTH_OK services: mon: 1 daemons, quorum node-mees (age 7d) mgr: node-mees(active, since 7d) osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 7d), 3 in (since 7d) data: pools: 1 pools, 1 pgs objects: 2 objects, 577 KiB usage: 96 MiB used, 2.7 TiB / 2.7 TiB avail pgs: 1 active+clean