:orphan: .. _cheat-sheet: reStructuredText cheat sheet ============================ This file contains the syntax for commonly used reST markup. See the `reStructuredText style guide`_ for detailed information and conventions. Also see the `Sphinx reStructuredText Primer`_ for more details on reST, and the `Canonical Documentation Style Guide`_ for general style conventions. H2 heading ---------- H3 heading ~~~~~~~~~~ H4 heading ^^^^^^^^^^ H5 heading .......... Inline formatting ----------------- - :guilabel:`UI element` - ``code`` - :file:`file path` - :command:`command` - :kbd:`Key` - *Italic* - **Bold** Code blocks ----------- Start a code block:: code: - example: true .. code:: # Demonstrate a code block code: - example: true .. code:: yaml # Demonstrate a code block code: - example: true .. _a_section_target: Links ----- - `Canonical website `_ - `Canonical website`_ (defined in ``reuse/links.txt``) - `Link defined at the bottom of the page`_ - :spellexception:`https:\ //canonical.com/` - :ref:`a_section_target` - :ref:`Link text ` - :doc:`reference/index` - :doc:`Link text ` Navigation ---------- Use the following syntax:: .. toctree:: :hidden: sub-page1 sub-page2 Lists ----- 1. Step 1 - Item 1 * Sub-item - Item 2 i. Sub-step 1 #. Sub-step 2 #. Step 2 a. Sub-step 1 - Item #. Sub-step 2 Term 1: Definition Term 2: Definition Tables ------ +----------------------+------------+ | Header 1 | Header 2 | +======================+============+ | Cell 1 | Cell 2 | | | | | Second paragraph | | +----------------------+------------+ | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | +----------------------+------------+ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Header 1 - Header 2 * - Cell 1 Second paragraph - Cell 2 * - Cell 3 - Cell 4 .. rst-class:: align-center +----------------------+------------+ | Header 1 | Header 2 | +======================+============+ | Cell 1 | Cell 2 | | | | | Second paragraph | | +----------------------+------------+ | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | +----------------------+------------+ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center * - Header 1 - Header 2 * - Cell 1 Second paragraph - Cell 2 * - Cell 3 - Cell 4 Notes ----- .. note:: A note. .. tip:: A tip. .. important:: Important information .. caution:: This might damage your hardware! Images ------ .. image:: https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/b3b72cb2-canonical-logo-166.png .. figure:: https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/b3b72cb2-canonical-logo-166.png :width: 100px :alt: Alt text Figure caption Reuse ----- .. |reuse_key| replace:: This is **included** text. |reuse_key| .. include:: reference/index.rst :start-after: You can mix different processor architectures within the same MicroCloud cluster. :end-before: Networking requirements Tabs ---- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Tab 1 Content Tab 1 .. group-tab:: Tab 2 Content Tab 2 Glossary -------- .. glossary:: example term Definition of the example term. :term:`example term` More useful markup ------------------ - .. versionadded:: X.Y - | Line 1 | Line 2 | Line 3 - .. This is a comment - :abbr:`API (Application Programming Interface)` ---- Custom extensions ----------------- Related links at the top of the page:: :relatedlinks: https://github.com/canonical/lxd-sphinx-extensions, [RTFM](https://www.google.com) :discourse: 12345 Terms that should not be checked by the spelling checker: :spellexception:`PurposelyWrong` A terminal view with input and output: .. terminal:: :input: command :user: root :host: vampyr the output A link to a YouTube video: .. youtube:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMLiK1fX4I0 :title: Demo .. LINKS .. _Link defined at the bottom of the page: https://canonical.com/ .. wokeignore:rule=master .. _Sphinx reStructuredText Primer: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html