====================================== Upgrade MicroOVN across major versions ====================================== MicroOVN is released in channels that signify which version of ``OVN`` it bundles (e.g. ``22.03/stable`` channel comes with ``OVN 22.03``). These channels track a specific major version, and wont upgrade to next major version on their own. To upgrade to next major version of MicroOVN, you have to change ``microovn`` snap channel. In this how-to, we'll upgrade a cluster with four members, running ``MicroOVN 22.03``, to ``MicroOVN 24.03``. Prepare cluster for upgrade --------------------------- We start by ensuring that **each** of our cluster members runs MicroOVN from a channel that precedes the version to which we are upgrading, and that it has latest upgrades from this channel. In this example we are upgrading to ``24.03``, so we'll check that our cluster members run ``22.03``. .. code-block:: none snap info microovn Example of relevant output from ``snap info``: .. code-block:: none snap-id: llLUDjcLf2hf4zrlty82XqaYTwN4afUP tracking: 22.03/stable refresh-date: today at 10:07 UTC Next we ensure that MicroOVN runs the latest version in the channel (again on **each** cluster member): .. code-block:: none sudo snap refresh microovn As a final preparation step, we'll ensure that all MicroOVN cluster members are online by running: .. code-block:: none sudo microovn cluster list -f compact It's sufficient to run this command on a single member. Resulting output should show status of all members as ``ONLINE``: .. code-block:: none NAME ADDRESS ROLE FINGERPRINT STATUS movn1 voter 0e359bed39fb0aaedcb730c707b89701abfb0a65ed5e0f9b5ff883a75c914683 ONLINE movn2 stand-by b084c2fadd4ca66ffd8fb7e58a1f90f2bbec1fec5ec6d4091eba7e7fbbb66981 ONLINE movn3 voter fc9efe07194030ec212a75d32e525a321eb973a0cf071c2bc8841480457a248a ONLINE movn4 voter fa3380a109f48e5bce60ba942cf24617d5db3b4f371dedc6ef732303ada7ed0b ONLINE Ensure sufficient election timer -------------------------------- Upgrade of OVN cluster can be computationally stressful operation, especially for nodes that run OVN ``central`` services. To prevent cluster members from missing heartbeats and causing leadership flapping, we recommend setting ``election timer`` of ``Northbound`` and ``Southbound`` databases to at least ``16 seconds``. To check current values, run following commands: .. code-block:: none # Get OVN Northbound cluster status sudo microovn.ovn-appctl -t /var/snap/microovn/common/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Northbound # Get OVN Southbound cluster status sudo microovn.ovn-appctl -t /var/snap/microovn/common/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Southbound Look for ``Election timer:`` in the output of these commands. Value of this field is expressed in milliseconds. .. code-block:: none Last Election won: 56593 ms ago Election timer: 16000 Log: [2, 8] Entries not yet committed: 0 Entries not yet applied: 0 Connections: Disconnections: 0 If the value is lower than ``16000``, we recommend gradually increasing it with: .. code-block:: none # Command example for Northbound election timer increase microovn.ovn-appctl -t /var/snap/microovn/common/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.ctl cluster/change-election-timer OVN_Northbound # Command example for Southbound election timer increase microovn.ovn-appctl -t /var/snap/microovn/common/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.ctl cluster/change-election-timer OVN_Southbound ``OVN`` wont let you increase the timer by more than twice its current value, so you will have to proceed gradually. Upgrade single cluster member ----------------------------- Now we can proceed with upgrade of individual members in the cluster. The process itself is very straightforward, we just need to keep an eye on it, to ensure that it finishes as expected. We'll start by upgrading single cluster member by running following command on it: .. code-block:: none sudo snap refresh --channel=24.03/stable microovn .. important:: Above command causes restart of MicroOVN and OVN services running on this cluster member. This results in temporary data plane outage, for ports connected to OVN Chassis located on this member, while services come back up and reconfigure datapaths. After the snap is successfully upgraded, there may be changes to either the ``dqlite`` schema or the ``ovsdb`` schema, or both. We can check the cluster status with: .. code-block:: none sudo microovn cluster list -f compact Systems that report ``UPGRADING`` have encountered a ``dqlite`` schema update and are awaiting all cluster members to receive the update. The systems that report ``NEEDS UPGRADE`` have not yet received the update and continue to function as before. Any systems that are ``UPGRADING`` will be unreachable by these systems. .. code-block:: none NAME ADDRESS ROLE FINGERPRINT STATUS movn1 voter 0e359bed39fb0aaedcb730c707b89701abfb0a65ed5e0f9b5ff883a75c914683 UPGRADING movn2 stand-by b084c2fadd4ca66ffd8fb7e58a1f90f2bbec1fec5ec6d4091eba7e7fbbb66981 NEEDS UPGRADE movn3 voter fc9efe07194030ec212a75d32e525a321eb973a0cf071c2bc8841480457a248a NEEDS UPGRADE movn4 voter fa3380a109f48e5bce60ba942cf24617d5db3b4f371dedc6ef732303ada7ed0b NEEDS UPGRADE After all systems are refreshed, they should report ``ONLINE`` once again: .. code-block:: none NAME ADDRESS ROLE FINGERPRINT STATUS movn1 voter 0e359bed39fb0aaedcb730c707b89701abfb0a65ed5e0f9b5ff883a75c914683 ONLINE movn2 stand-by b084c2fadd4ca66ffd8fb7e58a1f90f2bbec1fec5ec6d4091eba7e7fbbb66981 ONLINE movn3 voter fc9efe07194030ec212a75d32e525a321eb973a0cf071c2bc8841480457a248a ONLINE movn4 voter fa3380a109f48e5bce60ba942cf24617d5db3b4f371dedc6ef732303ada7ed0b ONLINE If there was no ``dqlite`` schema update, there may still be an ``ovsdb`` schema update. In this case the systems may report ``ONLINE`` as soon as the first system is refreshed. The cluster status can be viewed with: .. code-block:: none sudo microovn status The output of the command above will look something like this: .. code-block:: none OVN Database summary: OVN Southbound: Upgrade or attention required! Currently running schema: 20.21.0 Cluster report (expected schema versions): movn1: 20.33.0 movn4: Missing API. MicroOVN needs upgrade movn2: Missing API. MicroOVN needs upgrade movn3: Missing API. MicroOVN needs upgrade OVN Northbound: Upgrade or attention required! Currently running schema: 6.1.0 Cluster report (expected schema versions): movn1: 7.3.0 movn4: Missing API. MicroOVN needs upgrade movn3: Missing API. MicroOVN needs upgrade movn2: Missing API. MicroOVN needs upgrade We can see, from the output above, that host ``movn1``, as the only upgraded member so far, reports that it expects different ``OVN Southbound`` and ``OVN Northbound`` database schema version, as the cluster is currently running. This is expected and it will remain the case until all the cluster members are upgraded, at which point the schema upgrade will be triggered. .. note:: As the MicroOVN version ``24.03`` is first to support API required to report expected schema versions, you will see placeholder messages ``Missing API. MicroOVN needs upgrade`` coming from hosts that run older MicroOVN versions. Going forward, the output during the future upgrades would look something like this: .. code-block:: none OVN Northbound: Upgrade or attention required! Currently running schema: 6.1.0 Cluster report (expected schema versions): movn1: 7.3.0 movn4: 6.1.0 movn3: 6.1.0 movn2: 6.1.0 .. note:: If you run ``microovn status`` immediately after the snap refresh, you may encounter following, or similar, error messages in the output: .. code-block:: none OVN Database summary: Failed to fetch OVN Southbound schema status: failed to fetch OVN Southbound cluster schema status from 'http://control.socket': Internal Server Error Error: failed to fetch either Southbound or Northbound database status It is expected, as it takes few seconds for the member to reconnect back to the cluster. The error message should go away after few seconds. If you run ``microovn status`` and you encounter the following error, it means there is also a ``dqlite`` schema update, which can be viewed with ``sudo microovn cluster list``: .. code-block:: none Failed listing services: Database is waiting for an upgrade. 3 cluster members have not yet received the update Continue with cluster upgrade ----------------------------- Same commands, from the previous section, can be run on the rest of the cluster members. You should progress one cluster member at a time and check the output of ``microovn cluster status`` to see if the upgrade continues as expected. Final verification ------------------ After the last cluster member is upgraded, MicroOVN will trigger schema upgrade of OVN databases. This is an asynchronous process that can take from few seconds, to few minutes, depending on the size of the database. You can run: .. code-block:: none sudo microovn status and if the schema upgrade finished successfully, you'll see following output: .. code-block:: none OVN Database summary: OVN Southbound: OK (20.33.0) OVN Northbound: OK (7.3.0)