============== Accessing logs ============== The :ref:`MicroOVN services` provide logs as part of their normal operation. By default they are provided through the systemd journal, and can be accessed through the use of the ``journalctl`` or ``snap logs`` commands. This is how you can access the logs of the ``microovn.chassis`` service using the ``snap logs`` command: .. code-block:: none snap logs microovn.chassis and using the ``journalctl`` command: .. code-block:: none journalctl -u snap.microovn.chassis This is how you can view a live log display for the same service using the ``snap logs`` command: .. code-block:: none snap logs -f microovn.chassis and using the ``journalctl`` command: .. code-block:: none journalctl -f -u snap.microovn.chassis Log files --------- Inside the ``/var/snap/microovn/common/logs`` directory you will find files for each individual service, however these will either be empty or not contain updated information, this is intentional. On a fresh install the files are created, as a precaution, in the event a need arises for enabling `debug logging`_. When upgrading MicroOVN, existing files will be retained, but not updated. Debug logging ------------- The Open vSwitch (OVS) and Open Virtual Network (OVN) daemons have a rich set of debug features, one of which is the ability to specify log levels for individual modules at run time. A list of modules can be acquired through the ``microovn.ovs-appctl`` and ``microovn.ovn-appctl`` commands. This is how to enable debug logging for the Open vSwitch ``vswitchd`` module: .. code-block:: none microovn.ovs-appctl vlog/set vswitchd:file:dbg This is how to enable debug logging for the Open Virtual Network ``reconnect`` module: .. code-block:: none microovn.ovn-appctl vlog/set reconnect:file:dbg For more details on how to configure logging, see `ovs-appctl manpage`_. .. LINKS .. _ovs-appctl manpage: https://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/ref/ovs-appctl.8/#logging-commands