--- relatedlinks: https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/ --- (get-started)= # Get started with MicroCloud ```{youtube} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWZYUU8lX5A ``` MicroCloud is quick to set up. Once {ref}`installed `, you can start using MicroCloud in the same way as a regular LXD cluster. This tutorial guides you through installing MicroCloud in a confined environment and then starting some instances to see what you can do with MicroCloud. It uses virtual machines in LXD, so you don't need any extra hardware to follow the tutorial. ```{tip} In this tutorial, we use four virtual machines in LXD for the MicroCloud cluster members. You can use a different number of machines if you want, but the minimum number of required machines is three. We limit each virtual machine to 2 GiB of RAM, which is less than the recommended hardware requirements. In the context of the tutorial, this amount of RAM is sufficient. However, in a production environment, make sure to use machines that fulfil the {ref}`hardware-requirements`. ``` ## 1. Install and initialise LXD ```{note} You can skip this step if you already have a LXD server installed and initialised. However, you should make sure that you have a storage pool set up that is big enough to store four virtual machines. We recommend a storage pool size of at least 40 GiB for that. ``` Complete the following steps to install and initialise LXD: 1. Install `snapd`: 1. Run {command}`snap version` to find out if snap is installed on your system: ```{terminal} :input: snap version snap 2.59.4 snapd 2.59.4 series 16 ubuntu 22.04 kernel 5.15.0-73-generic ``` If you see a table of version numbers, snap is installed. If the version for `snapd` is 2.59 or later, you are all set and can continue with the next step of installing LXD. 1. If the version for `snapd` is earlier than 2.59, or if the {command}`snap version` command returns an error, run the following commands to install the latest version of `snapd`: sudo apt update sudo apt install snapd 1. Enter the following command to install LXD: sudo snap install lxd 1. Enter the following command to initialise LXD: lxd init Accept the default values except for the following questions: - `Size in GiB of the new loop device (1GiB minimum)` Enter `40GiB`. - `Would you like the LXD server to be available over the network? (yes/no)` Enter `yes`. ## 2. Provide storage disks MicroCloud supports both local and remote storage. For local storage, you need one disk per cluster member. For remote storage, you need at least three disks that are located on different cluster members. In this tutorial, we'll set up four cluster members, which means that we need a minimum of seven disks (four for local storage and three for remote storage). Complete the following steps to create the required disks in a LXD storage pool: 1. Create a ZFS storage pool called `disks`: lxc storage create disks zfs size=100GiB 1. Configure the default volume size for the `disks` pool: lxc storage set disks volume.size 10GiB 1. Create four disks to use for local storage: lxc storage volume create disks local1 --type block lxc storage volume create disks local2 --type block lxc storage volume create disks local3 --type block lxc storage volume create disks local4 --type block 1. Create three disks to use for remote storage: lxc storage volume create disks remote1 --type block size=20GiB lxc storage volume create disks remote2 --type block size=20GiB lxc storage volume create disks remote3 --type block size=20GiB 1. Check that the disks have been created correctly: ```{terminal} :input: lxc storage volume list disks :user: root :host: micro1 +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | TYPE | NAME | DESCRIPTION | CONTENT-TYPE | USED BY | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | custom | local1 | | block | 0 | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | custom | local2 | | block | 0 | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | custom | local3 | | block | 0 | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | custom | local4 | | block | 0 | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | custom | remote1 | | block | 0 | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | custom | remote2 | | block | 0 | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ | custom | remote3 | | block | 0 | +--------+---------+-------------+--------------+---------+ ``` ## 3. Create a network MicroCloud requires an uplink network that the cluster members can use for external connectivity. See {ref}`explanation-networking` for more information. Complete the following steps to set up this network: 1. Create a bridge network without any parameters: lxc network create microbr0 1. Enter the following commands to find out the assigned IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for the network and note them down: lxc network get microbr0 ipv4.address lxc network get microbr0 ipv6.address ## 4. Create and configure your VMs Next, we'll create the VMs that will serve as the MicroCloud cluster members. Complete the following steps: 1. Create the VMs, but don't start them yet: lxc init ubuntu:22.04 micro1 --vm --config limits.cpu=2 --config limits.memory=2GiB lxc init ubuntu:22.04 micro2 --vm --config limits.cpu=2 --config limits.memory=2GiB lxc init ubuntu:22.04 micro3 --vm --config limits.cpu=2 --config limits.memory=2GiB lxc init ubuntu:22.04 micro4 --vm --config limits.cpu=2 --config limits.memory=2GiB ```{tip} LXD downloads the image the first time you use it to initialise a VM. Therefore, the {command}`init` command will take longer to complete on the first run. For subsequent runs, LXD uses the cached image. Therefore, you shouldn't run these commands in parallel. ``` 1. Attach the disks to the VMs: lxc storage volume attach disks local1 micro1 lxc storage volume attach disks local2 micro2 lxc storage volume attach disks local3 micro3 lxc storage volume attach disks local4 micro4 lxc storage volume attach disks remote1 micro1 lxc storage volume attach disks remote2 micro2 lxc storage volume attach disks remote3 micro3 1. Create and add network interfaces that use the dedicated MicroCloud network to each VM: lxc config device add micro1 eth1 nic network=microbr0 name=eth1 lxc config device add micro2 eth1 nic network=microbr0 name=eth1 lxc config device add micro3 eth1 nic network=microbr0 name=eth1 lxc config device add micro4 eth1 nic network=microbr0 name=eth1 1. Start the VMs: lxc start micro1 lxc start micro2 lxc start micro3 lxc start micro4 ## 5. Install MicroCloud on each VM Before you can create the MicroCloud cluster, you must install the required snaps on each VM. In addition, you must configure the network interfaces so they can be used by MicroCloud. Complete the following steps on each VM (`micro1`, `micro2`, `micro3`, and `micro4`): 1. Access the shell in the VM. For example, for `micro1`: lxc exec micro1 -- bash ```{tip} If you get an error message stating that the LXD VM agent is not currently running, the VM hasn't fully started up yet. Wait a while and then try again. If the error persists, try restarting the VM (`lxc restart micro1`). ``` 1. Configure the network interface connected to `microbr0` to not accept any IP addresses (because MicroCloud requires a network interface that doesn't have an IP address assigned): cat << EOF > /etc/netplan/99-microcloud.yaml # MicroCloud requires a network interface that doesn't have an IP address network: version: 2 ethernets: enp6s0: accept-ra: false dhcp4: false link-local: [] EOF chmod 0600 /etc/netplan/99-microcloud.yaml ```{note} `enp6s0` is the name that the VM assigns to the network interface that we previously added as `eth1`. ``` 1. Bring the network interface up: netplan apply 1. Install the required snaps: snap install microceph --channel=quincy/stable --cohort="+" snap install microovn --channel=22.03/stable --cohort="+" snap install microcloud --channel=latest/stable --cohort="+" ```{note} The `--cohort="+"` flag in the command ensures that the same version of the snap is installed on all machines. See {ref}`howto-snap-cluster` for more information. ``` 1. The LXD snap is already installed. Refresh it to the latest version: snap refresh lxd --channel=5.21/stable --cohort="+" ## 6. Initialise MicroCloud After installing all snaps on all VMs, you can initialise MicroCloud. We use `micro1`, but you can choose another machine. Complete the following steps: 1. Access the shell in `micro1` and start the initialisation process: lxc exec micro1 microcloud init ```{tip} In this tutorial, we initialise MicroCloud interactively. Alternatively, you can use a preseed file for {ref}`howto-initialise-preseed`. ``` 1. Answer the questions: 1. Select `yes` to select more than one cluster member. 1. As the address for MicroCloud's internal traffic, select the listed IPv4 address. 1. Copy the session passphrase. 1. Head to the other servers (`micro02`, `micro03`, and `micro04`) and start the join process: lxc exec micro02 microcloud join ```{tip} Open up three additional terminals to run the commands concurrently. ``` In each terminal select an address for MicroCloud's internal traffic. When prompted enter the passphrase in each terminal and return to `micro01`. 1. Select all listed servers (these should be `micro2`, `micro3`, and `micro4`). 1. Select `yes` to set up local storage. 1. Select the listed local disks (`local1`, `local2`, `local3`, and `local4`). ```{tip} Type `local` to display only the local disks. The table is filtered by the characters that you type. ``` 1. You don't need to wipe any disks (because we just created them). 1. Select `yes` to set up distributed storage. 1. Select `yes` to confirm that there are fewer disks available than machines. 1. Select all listed disks (these should be `remote1`, `remote2`, and `remote3`). 1. You don't need to wipe any disks (because we just created them). 1. You don't need to encrypt any disks to get started. 1. Select `yes` to optionally configure the CephFS distributed file system. 1. Leave the question empty for the IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR subnet address used for the Ceph internal network. 1. Leave the question empty for the IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR subnet address used for the Ceph public network. 1. Select `yes` to configure distributed networking. 1. Select all listed network interfaces (these should be `enp6s0` on the four different VMs). 1. Specify the IPv4 address that you noted down for your `microbr0` network as the IPv4 gateway. 1. Specify an IPv4 address in the address range as the first IPv4 address. For example, if your IPv4 gateway is ``, the first address could be ``. 1. Specify a higher IPv4 address in the range as the last IPv4 address. As we're setting up four machines only, the range must contain a minimum of four addresses, but setting up a bigger range is more fail-safe. For example, if your IPv4 gateway is ``, the last address could be ``. 1. Specify the IPv6 address that you noted down for your `microbr0` network as the IPv6 gateway. 1. Leave the question empty for the DNS addresses for the distributed network. 1. Leave the question empty for configuring an underlay network for OVN. MicroCloud will now initialise the cluster. See {ref}`explanation-initialisation` for more information. See the full process here for the initiating side: (initialisation-process)= ```{terminal} :input: microcloud init :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: Do you want to set up more than one cluster member? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes Select an address for MicroCloud's internal traffic: Space to select; enter to confirm; type to filter results. Up/down to move; right to select all; left to select none. +----------------------+--------+ | ADDRESS | IFACE | +----------------------+--------+ > [X] | | enp5s0 | [ ] | 2001:db8:d:100::169 | enp5s0 | +----------------------+--------+ Using address "" for MicroCloud Use the following command on systems that you want to join the cluster: microcloud join When requested enter the passphrase: koala absorbing update dorsal Verify the fingerprint "5d0808de679d" is displayed on joining systems. Waiting to detect systems ... Space to select; enter to confirm; type to filter results. Up/down to move; right to select all; left to select none. +---------+---------------+--------------+ | NAME | ADDRESS | FINGERPRINT | +---------+---------------+--------------+ > [x] | micro3 | | 4e80954d6a64 | [x] | micro2 | | 84e0b50e13b3 | [x] | micro4 | | 98667a808a99 | +---------+---------------+--------------+ Selected "micro1" at "" Selected "micro3" at "" Selected "micro2" at "" Selected "micro4" at "" Would you like to set up local storage? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes Select exactly one disk from each cluster member: Space to select; enter to confirm; type to filter results. Up/down to move; right to select all; left to select none. +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ | LOCATION | MODEL | CAPACITY | TYPE | PATH | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ [x] | micro1 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local1 | [ ] | micro1 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote1 | [x] | micro2 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local2 | [ ] | micro2 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote2 | [x] | micro3 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local3 | [ ] | micro3 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote3 | > [x] | micro4 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local4 | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ Select which disks to wipe: Space to select; enter to confirm; type to filter results. Up/down to move; right to select all; left to select none. +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ | LOCATION | MODEL | CAPACITY | TYPE | PATH | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ > [ ] | micro1 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local1 | [ ] | micro2 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local2 | [ ] | micro3 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local3 | [ ] | micro4 | QEMU HARDDISK | 10.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local4 | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ Using "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local3" on "micro3" for local storage pool Using "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local4" on "micro4" for local storage pool Using "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local1" on "micro1" for local storage pool Using "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_local2" on "micro2" for local storage pool Would you like to set up distributed storage? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes Unable to find disks on some systems. Continue anyway? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes Select from the available unpartitioned disks: Space to select; enter to confirm; type to filter results. Up/down to move; right to select all; left to select none. +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ | LOCATION | MODEL | CAPACITY | TYPE | PATH | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ > [x] | micro1 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote1 | [x] | micro2 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote2 | [x] | micro3 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote3 | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ Select which disks to wipe: Space to select; enter to confirm; type to filter results. Up/down to move; right to select all; left to select none. +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ | LOCATION | MODEL | CAPACITY | TYPE | PATH | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ > [ ] | micro1 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote1 | [ ] | micro2 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote2 | [ ] | micro3 | QEMU HARDDISK | 20.00GiB | scsi | /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_lxd_remote3 | +----------+---------------+----------+------+------------------------------------------------------+ Using 1 disk(s) on "micro1" for remote storage pool Using 1 disk(s) on "micro2" for remote storage pool Using 1 disk(s) on "micro3" for remote storage pool Do you want to encrypt the selected disks? (yes/no) [default=no]: no Would you like to set up CephFS remote storage? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes Configure distributed networking? (yes/no) [default=yes]: yes Select an available interface per system to provide external connectivity for distributed network(s): Space to select; enter to confirm; type to filter results. Up/down to move; right to select all; left to select none. +----------+--------+----------+ | LOCATION | IFACE | TYPE | +----------+--------+----------+ > [x] | micro2 | enp6s0 | physical | [x] | micro3 | enp6s0 | physical | [x] | micro1 | enp6s0 | physical | [x] | micro4 | enp6s0 | physical | +----------+--------+----------+ Using "enp6s0" on "micro3" for OVN uplink Using "enp6s0" on "micro1" for OVN uplink Using "enp6s0" on "micro2" for OVN uplink Using "enp6s0" on "micro4" for OVN uplink Specify the IPv4 gateway (CIDR) on the uplink network (empty to skip IPv4): Specify the first IPv4 address in the range to use on the uplink network: Specify the last IPv4 address in the range to use on the uplink network: Specify the IPv6 gateway (CIDR) on the uplink network (empty to skip IPv6): 2001:db8:d:200::1/64 Specify the DNS addresses (comma-separated IPv4 / IPv6 addresses) for the distributed network (default:,2001:db8:d:200::1): Configure dedicated underlay networking? (yes/no) [default=no]: Initializing a new cluster Local MicroCloud is ready Local LXD is ready Local MicroOVN is ready Local MicroCeph is ready Awaiting cluster formation ... Peer "micro2" has joined the cluster Peer "micro3" has joined the cluster Peer "micro4" has joined the cluster Cluster initialization is complete MicroCloud is ready ``` See the full process here for one of the joining sides (`micro02`): ```{terminal} :input: microcloud init :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: Select an address for MicroCloud's internal traffic: Using address "" for MicroCloud Verify the fingerprint "84e0b50e13b3" is displayed on the other system. Specify the passphrase for joining the system: koala absorbing update dorsal Searching for an eligible system ... Found system "micro01" at "" using fingerprint "5d0808de679d" Select "micro02" on "micro01" to let it join the cluster Received confirmation from system "micro01" Do not exit out to keep the session alive. Complete the remaining configuration on "micro01" ... Successfully joined the cluster ``` ## 7. Inspect your MicroCloud setup You can now inspect your cluster setup. ```{tip} You can run these commands on any of the cluster members. We continue using `micro1`, but you will see the same results on the other VMs. ``` 1. Inspect the cluster setup: ```{terminal} :input: lxc cluster list :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | NAME | URL | ROLES | ARCHITECTURE | FAILURE DOMAIN | DESCRIPTION | STATE | MESSAGE | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro1 | | database-leader | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | | | | database | | | | | | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro2 | | database | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro3 | | database | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro4 | | database-standby | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ :input: microcloud cluster list +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | NAME | ADDRESS | ROLE | FINGERPRINT | STATUS | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro1 | | voter | 47a74cb2ed8b844544ce71f45e96acb2c8021d4c1ffc2f1f449cdbf2f6898fd8 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro2 | | voter | 56bee3adbd5e1de2186dd22788baffd5e1358e408ec3d9b713ed930741a339f2 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro3 | | voter | aabdd5f64d4c2796a50d6ce9d91939f248bfeb27195426158dff05d660f93f86 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro4 | | stand-by | 649ec21815135104f1faa5fca099daddf995f554119c6e34706a2b31681ad1d7 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ :input: microceph cluster list +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | NAME | ADDRESS | ROLE | FINGERPRINT | STATUS | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro1 | | voter | a2b370cce1deb02437b583aa73be5e5c519aed75f02f4b98f6df150fd62c648a | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro2 | | voter | e37ea1acd14b984152cac4cb861cbe35ac438151233b9d0ee606c44c2e27d759 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro3 | | voter | 152ccf372ecc93faffa8a6801cedd5eca49d977eea72e3f2239245cc22965399 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro4 | | stand-by | 9b75b396f6d59481b8c14221942d775cff4d27c5621b0b541eb5ba3245618093 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ :input: microovn cluster list +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | NAME | ADDRESS | ROLE | FINGERPRINT | STATUS | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro1 | | voter | a552d316c159a50a4e11253c36a1cd25a3902bee50e24ed1e073ee7728be0410 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro2 | | voter | 2c779eb10409576a33fa01a29cede39abea61f7cd6a07837c369858b515ed02a | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro3 | | voter | 7f76cddfdbbe3d768c343b1a5f402842565c25d0e4e3ebbc8514263fc14ea28b | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ | micro4 | | stand-by | 5d62b2a63dec514c45c07b24ff93e2bd83ad8b9af4ab774aad3d2ac51ee102d5 | ONLINE | +--------+--------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+ ``` 1. Inspect the storage setup: ```{terminal} :input: lxc storage list :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: +-----------+--------+--------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ | NAME | DRIVER | DESCRIPTION | USED BY | STATE | +-----------+--------+--------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ | local | zfs | Local storage on ZFS | 8 | CREATED | +-----------+--------+--------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ | remote | ceph | Distributed storage on Ceph | 1 | CREATED | +-----------+--------+--------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ | remote-fs | cephfs | Distributed file-system storage using Ceph | 1 | CREATED | +-----------+--------+--------------------------------------------+---------+---------+ :input: lxc storage info local info: description: Local storage on ZFS driver: zfs name: local space used: 747.00KiB total space: 9.20GiB used by: volumes: - backups (location "micro1") - backups (location "micro2") - backups (location "micro3") - backups (location "micro4") - images (location "micro1") - images (location "micro2") - images (location "micro3") - images (location "micro4") :input: lxc storage info remote info: description: Distributed storage on Ceph driver: ceph name: remote space used: 25.41KiB total space: 29.67GiB used by: profiles: - default :input: lxc storage info remote-fs info: description: Distributed file-system storage using CephFS driver: cephfs name: remote-fs space used: 0B total space: 29.67GiB used by: {} ``` 1. Inspect the OVN network setup: ```{terminal} :input: lxc network list :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ | NAME | TYPE | MANAGED | IPV4 | IPV6 | DESCRIPTION | USED BY | STATE | +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ | UPLINK | physical | YES | | | | 1 | CREATED | +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ | br-int | bridge | NO | | | | 0 | | +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ | default | ovn | YES | | 2001:db8:d960:91cf::1/64 | | 1 | CREATED | +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ | enp5s0 | physical | NO | | | | 0 | | +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ | enp6s0 | physical | NO | | | | 1 | | +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ | lxdovn1 | bridge | NO | | | | 0 | | +---------+----------+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+-------------+---------+---------+ :input: lxc network show default config: bridge.mtu: "1442" ipv4.address: ipv4.nat: "true" ipv6.address: 2001:db8:d960:91cf::1/64 ipv6.nat: "true" network: UPLINK volatile.network.ipv4.address: volatile.network.ipv6.address: 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c description: "" name: default type: ovn used_by: - /1.0/profiles/default managed: true status: Created locations: - micro1 - micro3 - micro2 - micro4 ``` 1. Make sure that you can ping the virtual router within OVN. You can find the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the virtual router under `volatile.network.ipv4.address` and `volatile.network.ipv6.address`, respectively, in the output of `lxc network show default`. ```{terminal} :input: ping :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=2.05 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=2.01 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=1.78 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 3 received, 25% packet loss, time 3005ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.777/1.945/2.052/0.120 ms :input: ping6 -n 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c PING 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c(2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c) 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c: icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=1.61 ms 64 bytes from 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c: icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=1.99 ms 64 bytes from 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c: icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=15.7 ms ^C --- 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:fe96:ed5c ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.606/6.432/15.704/6.558 ms ``` 1. Inspect the default profile: ```{terminal} :input: lxc profile show default :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: config: {} description: "" devices: eth0: name: eth0 network: default type: nic root: path: / pool: remote type: disk name: default used_by: [] ``` ## 8. Launch some instances Now that your MicroCloud cluster is ready to use, let's launch a few instances: 1. Launch an Ubuntu container with the default settings: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 u1 1. Launch another Ubuntu container, but use the local storage instead of the remote storage that is the default: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 u2 --storage local 1. Launch an Ubuntu VM: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 u3 --vm 1. Check the list of instances. You will see that the instances are running on different cluster members. ```{terminal} :input: lxc list :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | u1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe4e:9642 (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0 | micro1 | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | u2 | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe79:6765 (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0 | micro3 | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | u3 | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b (eth0) | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | micro2 | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ ``` 1. Check the storage. You will see that the instance volumes are located on the specified storage pools. ```{terminal} :input: lxc storage volume list remote :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | TYPE | NAME | DESCRIPTION | CONTENT-TYPE | USED BY | LOCATION | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | container | u1 | | filesystem | 1 | | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | image | 17fbc145125c659b7ef926b2de5e5304370083e28846f084a0d514c7a96777bc | | block | 1 | | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | image | 45613e262f8a5fc9467330f679862147c289516f045e3edc313e07ebcb0aab4a | | filesystem | 1 | | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | virtual-machine | u3 | | block | 1 | | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ :input: lxc storage volume list local +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | TYPE | NAME | DESCRIPTION | CONTENT-TYPE | USED BY | LOCATION | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | container | u2 | | filesystem | 1 | micro3 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | backups | | filesystem | 1 | micro2 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | backups | | filesystem | 1 | micro3 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | backups | | filesystem | 1 | micro4 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | backups | | filesystem | 1 | micro1 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | images | | filesystem | 1 | micro2 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | images | | filesystem | 1 | micro3 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | images | | filesystem | 1 | micro4 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | custom | images | | filesystem | 1 | micro1 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ | image | 45613e262f8a5fc9467330f679862147c289516f045e3edc313e07ebcb0aab4a | | filesystem | 1 | micro3 | +-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+--------------+---------+----------+ ``` ## 9. Inspect your networking The instances that you have launched are all on the same subnet. You can, however, create a different network to isolate some instances from others. 1. Check the list of instances that are running: ```{terminal} :input: lxc list :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | LOCATION | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | u1 | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe4e:9642 (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0 | micro1 | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | u2 | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe79:6765 (eth0) | CONTAINER | 0 | micro3 | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ | u3 | RUNNING | (eth0) | 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b (eth0) | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | micro2 | +------+---------+---------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+ ``` 1. Access the shell in `u1`: lxc exec u1 -- bash 1. Ping the IPv4 address of `u2`: ```{terminal} :input: ping :user: root :host: u1 :scroll: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.33 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.74 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.985 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.985/1.352/1.739/0.308 ms ``` 1. Ping the IPv6 address of `u3`: ```{terminal} :input: ping6 -n 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b :user: root :host: u1 :scroll: PING 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b(2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b) 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=16.8 ms 64 bytes from 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=3.41 ms 64 bytes from 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=3.86 ms ^C --- 2001:db8:d960:91cf:216:3eff:fe66:f24b ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.407/8.012/16.774/6.197 ms ``` 1. Confirm that the instance has connectivity to the outside world: ```{terminal} :input: ping www.example.com :user: root :host: u1 :scroll: PING www.example.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=111 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=95.2 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=49 time=96.2 ms ^C --- www.example.com ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2018ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 95.233/100.870/111.165/7.290 ms ``` 1. Log out of the `u1` shell: exit 1. Create an OVN network with the default settings: lxc network create isolated --type=ovn There is only one `UPLINK` network, so the new network will use this one as its parent. 1. Show information about the new network: ```{terminal} :input: lxc network show isolated :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: config: bridge.mtu: "1442" ipv4.address: ipv4.nat: "true" ipv6.address: 2001:db8:452a:32b2::1/64 ipv6.nat: "true" network: UPLINK volatile.network.ipv4.address: volatile.network.ipv6.address: 2001:db8:e647:610d:216:3eff:feef:6361 description: "" name: isolated type: ovn used_by: [] managed: true status: Created locations: - micro1 - micro3 - micro2 - micro4 ``` 1. Check that you can ping the `volatile.network.ipv4.address`: ```{terminal} :input: ping :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=253 time=1.25 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=253 time=1.04 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=253 time=1.68 ms ^C --- ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.042/1.321/1.676/0.264 ms ``` 1. Launch an Ubuntu container that uses the new network: lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 u4 --network isolated 1. Access the shell in `u4`: lxc exec u4 -- bash 1. Confirm that the instance has connectivity to the outside world: ```{terminal} :input: ping www.example.com :user: root :host: u4 :scroll: PING www.example.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=95.6 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=118 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=49 time=94.6 ms ^C --- www.example.com ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 94.573/102.587/117.633/10.646 ms ``` 1. Ping the IPv4 address of `u2`: ```{terminal} :input: ping :user: root :host: u4 :scroll: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C --- ping statistics --- 14 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 13301ms ``` You will see that `u2` is not reachable, because it is on a different OVN subnet. ## 10. Access the UI Instead of managing your instances and your LXD setup from the command line, you can also use the LXD UI. See {ref}`lxd:access-ui` for more information. 1. Check the LXD cluster list to determine the IP addresses of the cluster members: ```{terminal} :input: lxc cluster list :user: root :host: micro1 :scroll: +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | NAME | URL | ROLES | ARCHITECTURE | FAILURE DOMAIN | DESCRIPTION | STATE | MESSAGE | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro1 | | database-leader | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | | | | database | | | | | | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro2 | | database | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro3 | | database | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ | micro4 | | database-standby | x86_64 | default | | ONLINE | Fully operational | +--------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------------+-------------+--------+-------------------+ ``` 1. In your web browser, navigate to the URL of one of the machines. For example, for `micro1`, navigate to ``. 1. By default, MicroCloud uses a self-signed certificate, which will cause a security warning in your browser. Use your browser’s mechanism to continue despite the security warning. ```{figure} /images/ui_security_warning.png :alt: Example for a security warning in Chrome Example for a security warning in Chrome ``` 1. You should now see the LXD UI, prompting you to set up a certificate. ```{figure} /images/ui_certificate_selection.png :alt: Certificate selection in the LXD UI Certificate selection in the LXD UI ``` ```{note} Since LXD 5.21, the LXD UI is enabled by default. If you don't see the certificate screen, you might have an older version of LXD (run `snap info lxd` to check). In this case, run the following commands on the machine that you're trying to access (for example, `micro1`) to enable the UI: snap set lxd ui.enable=true systemctl reload snap.lxd.daemon ``` 1. Follow the instructions in the UI to set up the certificates. ```{tip} If you create a new certificate, you must transfer it to one of the cluster members to add it to the trust store. To do this, use the {ref}`file push command `. For example: lxc file push lxd-ui.crt micro1/root/lxd-ui.crt You can then access the shell on that cluster member and add the certificate to the trust store: lxc exec micro1 -- bash lxc config trust add lxd-ui.crt ``` 1. You can now browse the UI and inspect, for example, the instances you created and the networks and storage that MicroCloud set up. ```{figure} /images/ui_instances.png :alt: Instances view in the LXD UI Instances view in the LXD UI ``` ## Next steps Now that your MicroCloud is up and running, you can start using it! If you're already familiar with LXD, see {ref}`howto-commands` for a reference of the most common commands. If you're new to LXD, check out the {ref}`LXD tutorials ` to familiarise yourself with what you can do in LXD: - {ref}`lxd:tutorial-ui` guides you through common operations in LXD, using the UI. - {ref}`lxd:first-steps` goes through the same functionality, but using the CLI. In both tutorials, you can skip the first section about installing and initialising LXD, because LXD is already operational as part of your MicroCloud setup.