(howto-remove)= # How to remove a machine If you want to remove a machine from the MicroCloud cluster after the initialisation, use the {command}`microcloud remove` command: sudo microcloud remove Before removing the machine, ensure that there are no LXD instances or storage volumes located on the machine, and that there are no MicroCeph OSDs located on the machine. See {ref}`how to remove instances ` in the LXD documentation. See {doc}`how to remove OSDs ` in the MicroCeph documentation. If the machine is no longer reachable over the network, you can also add the `--force` flag to bypass removal restrictions and skip attempting to clean up the machine. Note that MicroCeph requires `--force` to be used if the remaining cluster size will be less than 3. ```{caution} Removing a cluster member with `--force` will not attempt to perform any clean-up of the removed machine. All services will need to be fully re-installed before they can be re-initialised. Resources allocated to the MicroCloud like disks and network interfaces may need to be re-initialised as well. ```