--- orphan: true myst: substitutions: reuse_key: "This is **included** text." advanced_reuse_key: "This is a substitution that includes a code block: ``` code block ```" --- (cheat-sheet-myst)= # Markdown/MyST cheat sheet This file contains the syntax for commonly used Markdown and MyST markup. Open it in your text editor to quickly copy and paste the markup you need. See the [MyST style guide](https://canonical-documentation-with-sphinx-and-readthedocscom.readthedocs-hosted.com/style-guide-myst/) for detailed information and conventions. Also see the [MyST documentation](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) for detailed information on MyST, and the [Canonical Documentation Style Guide](https://docs.ubuntu.com/styleguide/en) for general style conventions. ## H2 heading ### H3 heading #### H4 heading ##### H5 heading ## Inline formatting - {guilabel}`UI element` - `code` - {command}`command` - {kbd}`Key` - *Italic* - **Bold** ## Code blocks Start a code block: code: - example: true ``` # Demonstrate a code block code: - example: true ``` ```yaml # Demonstrate a code block code: - example: true ``` (a_section_target_myst)= ## Links - [Canonical website](https://canonical.com/) - {ref}`a_section_target_myst` - {ref}`Link text ` - {doc}`index` - {doc}`Link text ` ## Navigation Use the following syntax:: ```{toctree} :hidden: sub-page1 sub-page2 ``` ## Lists 1. Step 1 - Item 1 * Sub-item - Item 2 1. Sub-step 1 1. Sub-step 2 1. Step 2 1. Sub-step 1 - Item 1. Sub-step 2 Term 1 : Definition Term 2 : Definition ## Tables ## Markdown tables | Header 1 | Header 2 | |------------------------------------|----------| | Cell 1
Second paragraph | Cell 2 | | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | Centred: | Header 1 | Header 2 | |:----------------------------------:|:--------:| | Cell 1
Second paragraph | Cell 2 | | Cell 3 | Cell 4 | ## List tables ```{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - Header 1 - Header 2 * - Cell 1 Second paragraph - Cell 2 * - Cell 3 - Cell 4 ``` Centred: ```{list-table} :header-rows: 1 :align: center * - Header 1 - Header 2 * - Cell 1 Second paragraph - Cell 2 * - Cell 3 - Cell 4 ``` ## Notes ```{note} A note. ``` ```{tip} A tip. ``` ```{important} Important information ``` ```{caution} This might damage your hardware! ``` ## Images ![Alt text](https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/b3b72cb2-canonical-logo-166.png) ```{figure} https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/b3b72cb2-canonical-logo-166.png :width: 100px :alt: Alt text Figure caption ``` ## Reuse ### Keys Keys can be defined at the top of a file, or in a `myst_substitutions` option in `conf.py`. {{reuse_key}} {{advanced_reuse_key}} ### File inclusion ## Tabs ````{tabs} ```{group-tab} Tab 1 Content Tab 1 ``` ```{group-tab} Tab 2 Content Tab 2 ``` ```` ## Glossary ```{glossary} some term Definition of the example term. ``` {term}`some term` ## More useful markup - ```{versionadded} X.Y - {abbr}`API (Application Programming Interface)` ---- ## Custom extensions Related links at the top of the page (surrounded by `---`): relatedlinks: https://github.com/canonical/lxd-sphinx-extensions, [RTFM](https://www.google.com) discourse: 12345 Terms that should not be checked by the spelling checker: {spellexception}`PurposelyWrong` A single-line terminal view that separates input from output: ```{terminal} :input: command :user: root :host: vampyr :dir: /home/user/directory/ the output ``` A multi-line version of the same: ```{terminal} :user: root :host: vampyr :dir: /home/user/directory/ :input: command 1 output 1 :input: command 2 output 2 ``` A link to a YouTube video: ```{youtube} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMLiK1fX4I0 :title: Demo ```