=========== ``cluster`` =========== Manages the MicroCeph cluster. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster [flags] microceph cluster [command] Available commands: .. code-block:: none add Generates a token for a new server bootstrap Sets up a new cluster config Manage Ceph Cluster configs export Generates cluster token for given Remote cluster join Joins an existing cluster list List servers in the cluster migrate Migrate automatic services from one node to another remove Removes a server from the cluster sql Runs a SQL query against the cluster database Global options: .. code-block:: none -d, --debug Show all debug messages -h, --help Print help --state-dir Path to store state information -v, --verbose Show all information messages --version Print version number ``add`` ------- Generates a token for a new server Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster add [flags] ``bootstrap`` ------------- Sets up a new cluster Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster bootstrap [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none --microceph-ip string Network address microceph daemon binds to. --mon-ip string Public address for bootstrapping ceph mon service. --public-network string Public network Ceph daemons bind to. --cluster-network string Cluster network Ceph daemons bind to. ``config`` ---------- Manages Ceph Cluster configs. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster config [flags] microceph cluster config [command] Available Commands: .. code-block:: none get Get specified Ceph Cluster config list List all set Ceph level configs reset Clear specified Ceph Cluster config set Set specified Ceph Cluster config ``config get`` -------------- Gets specified Ceph Cluster config. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster config get [flags] ``config list`` --------------- Lists all set Ceph level configs. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster config list [flags] ``config reset`` ---------------- Clears specified Ceph Cluster config. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster config reset [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none --wait Wait for required ceph services to restart post config reset. --skip-restart Don't perform the daemon restart for current config. ``config set`` -------------- Sets specified Ceph Cluster config. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster config set [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none --wait Wait for required ceph services to restart post config set. --skip-restart Don't perform the daemon restart for current config. ``export`` ---------- Generates cluster token for Remote cluster with given name. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster export [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none --json output as json string ``join`` -------- Joins an existing cluster. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster join [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none --microceph-ip string Network address microceph daemon binds to. ``list`` -------- Lists servers in the cluster. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster list [flags] ``migrate`` ----------- Migrates automatic services from one node to another. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster migrate [flags] Flags: .. code-block:: none -f, --force Forcibly remove the cluster member ``sql`` ------- Runs a SQL query against the cluster database. Usage: .. code-block:: none microceph cluster sql [flags]