lxc auth identity delete

Delete an identity


Description: Delete an identity

lxc auth identity delete [<remote>:]<authentication_method>/<name_or_identifier> [flags]


  lxc auth identity delete oidc/jane.doe@example.com
  	Delete the OIDC identity with email address "[email protected]" in the default remote.

  lxc auth identity delete oidc/'Jane Doe'
  	Delete the OIDC identity with name "Jane Doe" in the default remote (there must be only one OIDC identity on the server with this name).

  lxc auth identity delete my-remote:tls/12beaccbf9e7b7445185581b70099a5962c927e85006d5883856d909fe79f976
  	Delete the TLS identity with certificate fingerprint "12beaccbf9e7b7445185581b70099a5962c927e85006d5883856d909fe79f976" in remote "my-remote".

  lxc auth identity delete my-remote:tls/jane-doe
  	Delete the TLS identity with name "jane-doe" in remote "my-remote" (there must be only one TLS identity on "my-remote" with this name).

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug          Show all debug messages
      --force-local    Force using the local unix socket
  -h, --help           Print help
      --project        Override the source project
  -q, --quiet          Don't show progress information
      --sub-commands   Use with help or --help to view sub-commands
  -v, --verbose        Show all information messages
      --version        Print version number