(provided-metrics)= # Provided metrics LXD provides a number of instance metrics and internal metrics. See {ref}`metrics` for instructions on how to work with these metrics. ## Instance metrics The following instance metrics are provided: ```{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - Metric - Description * - `lxd_cpu_effective_total` - Total number of effective CPUs * - `lxd_cpu_seconds_total{cpu="", mode=""}` - Total number of CPU time used (in seconds) * - `lxd_disk_read_bytes_total{device=""}` - Total number of bytes read * - `lxd_disk_reads_completed_total{device=""}` - Total number of completed reads * - `lxd_disk_written_bytes_total{device=""}` - Total number of bytes written * - `lxd_disk_writes_completed_total{device=""}` - Total number of completed writes * - `lxd_filesystem_avail_bytes{device="",fstype=""}` - Available space (in bytes) * - `lxd_filesystem_free_bytes{device="",fstype=""}` - Free space (in bytes) * - `lxd_filesystem_size_bytes{device="",fstype=""}` - Size of the file system (in bytes) * - `lxd_memory_Active_anon_bytes` - Amount of anonymous memory on active LRU list * - `lxd_memory_Active_bytes` - Amount of memory on active LRU list * - `lxd_memory_Active_file_bytes` - Amount of file-backed memory on active LRU list * - `lxd_memory_Cached_bytes` - Amount of cached memory * - `lxd_memory_Dirty_bytes` - Amount of memory waiting to be written back to the disk * - `lxd_memory_HugepagesFree_bytes` - Amount of free memory for `hugetlb` * - `lxd_memory_HugepagesTotal_bytes` - Amount of used memory for `hugetlb` * - `lxd_memory_Inactive_anon_bytes` - Amount of anonymous memory on inactive LRU list * - `lxd_memory_Inactive_bytes` - Amount of memory on inactive LRU list * - `lxd_memory_Inactive_file_bytes` - Amount of file-backed memory on inactive LRU list * - `lxd_memory_Mapped_bytes` - Amount of mapped memory * - `lxd_memory_MemAvailable_bytes` - Amount of available memory * - `lxd_memory_MemFree_bytes` - Amount of free memory * - `lxd_memory_MemTotal_bytes` - Amount of used memory * - `lxd_memory_OOM_kills_total` - The number of out-of-memory kills * - `lxd_memory_RSS_bytes` - Amount of anonymous and swap cache memory * - `lxd_memory_Shmem_bytes` - Amount of cached file system data that is swap-backed * - `lxd_memory_Swap_bytes` - Amount of used swap memory * - `lxd_memory_Unevictable_bytes` - Amount of unevictable memory * - `lxd_memory_Writeback_bytes` - Amount of memory queued for syncing to disk * - `lxd_network_receive_bytes_total{device=""}` - Amount of received bytes on a given interface * - `lxd_network_receive_drop_total{device=""}` - Amount of received dropped bytes on a given interface * - `lxd_network_receive_errs_total{device=""}` - Amount of received errors on a given interface * - `lxd_network_receive_packets_total{device=""}` - Amount of received packets on a given interface * - `lxd_network_transmit_bytes_total{device=""}` - Amount of transmitted bytes on a given interface * - `lxd_network_transmit_drop_total{device=""}` - Amount of transmitted dropped bytes on a given interface * - `lxd_network_transmit_errs_total{device=""}` - Amount of transmitted errors on a given interface * - `lxd_network_transmit_packets_total{device=""}` - Amount of transmitted packets on a given interface * - `lxd_procs_total` - Number of running processes ``` ## Internal metrics The following internal metrics are provided: ```{list-table} :header-rows: 1 * - Metric - Description * - `lxd_api_requests_completed_total` - Total number of completed requests. See [API rates metrics](api-rates-metrics). * - `lxd_api_requests_ongoing` - Number of requests currently being handled. See [API rates metrics](api-rates-metrics). * - `lxd_go_alloc_bytes_total` - Total number of bytes allocated (even if freed) * - `lxd_go_alloc_bytes` - Number of bytes allocated and still in use * - `lxd_go_buck_hash_sys_bytes` - Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table * - `lxd_go_frees_total` - Total number of frees * - `lxd_go_gc_sys_bytes` - Number of bytes used for garbage collection system metadata * - `lxd_go_goroutines` - Number of goroutines that currently exist * - `lxd_go_heap_alloc_bytes` - Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use * - `lxd_go_heap_idle_bytes` - Number of heap bytes waiting to be used * - `lxd_go_heap_inuse_bytes` - Number of heap bytes that are in use * - `lxd_go_heap_objects` - Number of allocated objects * - `lxd_go_heap_released_bytes` - Number of heap bytes released to OS * - `lxd_go_heap_sys_bytes` - Number of heap bytes obtained from system * - `lxd_go_lookups_total` - Total number of pointer lookups * - `lxd_go_mallocs_total` - Total number of `mallocs` * - `lxd_go_mcache_inuse_bytes` - Number of bytes in use by `mcache` structures * - `lxd_go_mcache_sys_bytes` - Number of bytes used for `mcache` structures obtained from system * - `lxd_go_mspan_inuse_bytes` - Number of bytes in use by `mspan` structures * - `lxd_go_mspan_sys_bytes` - Number of bytes used for `mspan` structures obtained from system * - `lxd_go_next_gc_bytes` - Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place * - `lxd_go_other_sys_bytes` - Number of bytes used for other system allocations * - `lxd_go_stack_inuse_bytes` - Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator * - `lxd_go_stack_sys_bytes` - Number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator * - `lxd_go_sys_bytes` - Number of bytes obtained from system * - `lxd_operations_total` - Number of running operations * - `lxd_uptime_seconds` - Daemon uptime (in seconds) * - `lxd_warnings_total` - Number of active warnings ``` (api-rates-metrics)= ## API rates metrics The API rates metrics include `lxd_api_requests_completed_total` and `lxd_api_requests_ongoing`. These metrics can be consumed by an observability tool deployed externally (for example, the [Canonical Observability Stack](https://charmhub.io/topics/canonical-observability-stack) or another third-party tool) to help identify failures or overload on a LXD server. You can set thresholds on the observability tools for these metrics' values to trigger alarms and take programmatic actions. These metrics consider all endpoints in the [LXD REST API](../api), with the exception of the `/` endpoint. Requests using an invalid URL are also counted. Requests against the metrics server are also counted. Both introduced metrics include a label `entity_type` based on the main entity type that the endpoint is operating on. `lxd_api_requests_ongoing` contains the number of requests that are not yet completed by the time the metrics are queried. A request is considered completed when the response is returned to the client and any asynchronous operations spawned by that request are done. `lxd_api_requests_completed_total` contains the number of completed requests. This metric includes an additional label named `result` based on the outcome of the request. The label can have one of the following values: - `error_server`, for errors on the server side, this includes responses with HTTP status codes from 500 to 599. Any failed asynchronous operations also fall into this category. - `error_client`, for responses with HTTP status codes from 400 to 499, indicating an error on the client side. - `succeeded`, for endpoints that executed successfully. ## Related topics How-to guides: - {ref}`metrics` {{performance_exp}}