(ref-projects)= # Project configuration Projects can be configured through a set of key/value configuration options. See {ref}`projects-configure` for instructions on how to set these options. The key/value configuration is namespaced. The following options are available: - {ref}`project-features` - {ref}`project-limits` - {ref}`project-restrictions` - {ref}`project-specific-config` (project-features)= ## Project features The project features define which entities are isolated in the project and which are inherited from the `default` project. If a `feature.*` option is set to `true`, the corresponding entity is isolated in the project. ```{note} When you create a project without explicitly configuring a specific option, this option is set to the initial value given in the following table. However, if you unset one of the `feature.*` options, it does not go back to the initial value, but to the default value. The default value for all `feature.*` options is `false`. ``` % Include content from [../metadata.txt](../metadata.txt) ```{include} ../metadata.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` (project-limits)= ## Project limits Project limits define a hard upper bound for the resources that can be used by the containers and VMs that belong to a project. Depending on the `limits.*` option, the limit applies to the number of entities that are allowed in the project (for example, {config:option}`project-limits:limits.containers` or {config:option}`project-limits:limits.networks`) or to the aggregate value of resource usage for all instances in the project (for example, {config:option}`project-limits:limits.cpu` or {config:option}`project-limits:limits.processes`). In the latter case, the limit usually applies to the {ref}`instance-options-limits` that are configured for each instance (either directly or via a profile), and not to the resources that are actually in use. For example, if you set the project's {config:option}`project-limits:limits.memory` configuration to `50GiB`, the sum of the individual values of all {config:option}`instance-resource-limits:limits.memory` configuration keys defined on the project's instances will be kept under 50 GiB. Similarly, setting the project's {config:option}`project-limits:limits.cpu` configuration key to `100` means that the sum of individual {config:option}`instance-resource-limits:limits.cpu` values will be kept below 100. When using project limits, the following conditions must be fulfilled: - When you set one of the `limits.*` configurations and there is a corresponding configuration for the instance, all instances in the project must have the corresponding configuration defined (either directly or via a profile). See {ref}`instance-options-limits` for the instance configuration options. - The {config:option}`project-limits:limits.cpu` configuration cannot be used if {ref}`instance-options-limits-cpu` is enabled. This means that to use {config:option}`project-limits:limits.cpu` on a project, the {config:option}`instance-resource-limits:limits.cpu` configuration of each instance in the project must be set to a number of CPUs, not a set or a range of CPUs. - The {config:option}`project-limits:limits.memory` configuration must be set to an absolute value, not a percentage. % Include content from [../metadata.txt](../metadata.txt) ```{include} ../metadata.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` (project-restrictions)= ## Project restrictions To prevent the instances of a project from accessing security-sensitive features (such as container nesting or raw LXC configuration), set the {config:option}`project-restricted:restricted` configuration option to `true`. You can then use the various `restricted.*` options to pick individual features that would normally be blocked by {config:option}`project-restricted:restricted` and allow them, so they can be used by the instances of the project. For example, to restrict a project and block all security-sensitive features, but allow container nesting, enter the following commands: lxc project set restricted=true lxc project set restricted.containers.nesting=allow Each security-sensitive feature has an associated `restricted.*` project configuration option. If you want to allow the usage of a feature, change the value of its `restricted.*` option. Most `restricted.*` configurations are binary switches that can be set to either `block` (the default) or `allow`. However, some options support other values for more fine-grained control. ```{note} You must set the `restricted` configuration to `true` for any of the `restricted.*` options to be effective. If `restricted` is set to `false`, changing a `restricted.*` option has no effect. Setting all `restricted.*` keys to `allow` is equivalent to setting `restricted` itself to `false`. ``` % Include content from [../metadata.txt](../metadata.txt) ```{include} ../metadata.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` (project-specific-config)= ## Project-specific configuration There are some {ref}`server` options that you can override for a project. In addition, you can add user metadata for a project. % Include content from [../metadata.txt](../metadata.txt) ```{include} ../metadata.txt :start-after: :end-before: ``` ## Related topics {{projects_how}} {{projects_exp}}