(initialize)= # How to initialize LXD Before you can create a LXD instance, you must configure and initialize LXD. ## Interactive configuration Run the following command to start the interactive configuration process: lxd init ```{note} For simple configurations, you can run this command as a normal user. However, some more advanced operations during the initialization process (for example, joining an existing cluster) require root privileges. In this case, run the command with `sudo` or as root. ``` The tool asks a series of questions to determine the required configuration. The questions are dynamically adapted to the answers that you give. They cover the following areas: Clustering (see {ref}`exp-clustering` and {ref}`cluster-form`) : A cluster combines several LXD servers. The cluster members share the same distributed database and can be managed uniformly using the LXD client ([`lxc`](lxc.md)) or the REST API. The default answer is `no`, which means clustering is not enabled. If you answer `yes`, you can either connect to an existing cluster or create one. MAAS support (see [`maas.io`](https://maas.io/) and [MAAS - Setting up LXD for VMs](https://maas.io/docs/setting-up-lxd-for-vms)) : MAAS is an open-source tool that lets you build a data center from bare-metal servers. The default answer is `no`, which means MAAS support is not enabled. If you answer `yes`, you can connect to an existing MAAS server and specify the `name`, `URL` and `API key`. Networking (see {ref}`networks` and {ref}`Network devices `) : Provides network access for the instances. You can let LXD create a new bridge (recommended) or use an existing network bridge or interface. You can create additional bridges and assign them to instances later. Storage pools (see {ref}`exp-storage` and {ref}`storage-drivers`) : Instances (and other data) are stored in storage pools. For testing purposes, you can create a loop-backed storage pool. For production use, however, you should use an empty partition (or full disk) instead of loop-backed storage (because loop-backed pools are slower and their size can't be reduced). The recommended backends are `zfs` and `btrfs`. You can create additional storage pools later. Remote access (see {ref}`security_remote_access` and {ref}`authentication`) : Allows remote access to the server over the network. The default answer is `no`, which means remote access is not allowed. If you answer `yes`, you can connect to the server over the network. You can choose to add client certificates to the server either manually or through tokens. Automatic image update (see {ref}`about-images`) : You can download images from image servers. In this case, images can be updated automatically. The default answer is `yes`, which means that LXD will update the downloaded images regularly. YAML `lxd init` preseed (see {ref}`initialize-preseed`) : If you answer `yes`, the command displays a summary of your chosen configuration options in the terminal. ### Minimal setup To create a minimal setup with default options, you can skip the configuration steps by adding the `--minimal` flag to the `lxd init` command: lxd init --minimal ```{note} The minimal setup provides a basic configuration, but the configuration is not optimized for speed or functionality. Especially the [`dir` storage driver](storage-dir), which is used by default, is slower than other drivers and doesn't provide fast snapshots, fast copy/launch, quotas and optimized backups. If you want to use an optimized setup, go through the interactive configuration process instead. ``` (initialize-preseed)= ## Non-interactive configuration The `lxd init` command supports a `--preseed` command line flag that makes it possible to fully configure the LXD daemon settings, storage pools, network devices and profiles, in a non-interactive way through a preseed YAML file. For example, starting from a brand new LXD installation, you could configure LXD with the following command: ```bash cat <